RoMa Craft Neanderthal

RoMa Craft Neanderthal

I will admit that I was going to save my sample of the RoMa Craft Neanderthal until last out of the pile of samples I was handed from the IPCPR.  ... Read more

Intemperance BA XXI Breach of the Peace  by RoMa Craft Tobac

Intemperance BA XXI Breach of the Peace by RoMa Craft Tobac

Five days of worry and then some are over!  My Fiancee had a rough ordeal this past week involving her heart.  She is home now with a clean bill of ... Read more

CroMagnon Anthropology

CroMagnon Anthropology

Time for my second ever RoMa Craft.  I selected the CroMagnon Anthropology today....which leaves me two Intemperance blends remaining.  I enjoyed every puff of the Aquitaine Mode 5, so I ... Read more

RoMa Craft Aquitaine Mode 5

RoMa Craft Aquitaine Mode 5

So...what is an Aquitaine?  My original thought was something to do with water....Aqui, know?  Well as it turns out, Aquitaine is a region of southern France where prehistoric humans ... Read more

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